Wand of Horus Pendulum
Wand of Horus Pendulum
The Wand of Horus is an amazing new design that has energy out of this world. Named the psychic energy amplifiers of ancient Egypt. This pendulum emanates a powerful blue-green beam that is amazing for healing and for making what you want to have happen come true. When you want something to happen, or when you want it to become healthy or ideal you either send blue-green or change the energy to blue-green. This pendulum does this every time you use it. How cool is that!!!
Blue-green is also the energy of the throat chakra. Use this one to help you be heard and to also stimulate healing of throat issues.
Type of light: Blue-green. Mouth and throat, expression, the ideal, communication, energy of ideal health, revitalization.
When it's time to be honest with myself (which is all the time), I pick this pendulum because it connects to my desire of being vocal. Depending on where I'm going, I will carry it with me using the energy to continue speaking my truth that is in my best good.
This pendulum is one of my favorites to use for myself and my clientele.
I use this pendulum for health & wellness and it is VERY powerful! I also really enjoy the space it has to place something small in it, to add to its healing benefits 🤍
This Wand Of Horus pendulum literally opened up my throat chakra in ways I could’ve only imagined.
I have been working on my throat chakra surrounding certain situations for YEARSSSSS, and within a couple weeks I have had a completely different approach to these same situations.
If you’re looking to heal your own throat chakra or someone else, this is absolutely a great pendulum for you.
I honestly think we all can benefit from using it or having it around you..